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As a Company, access the technologies for easily access liquidity and increase your enterprise value at lowest cost!
FeenPOP develops and operates a Technologies Platform for any businesses (Corporates to SMEs) that brings an unmatched inclusive short-term financing and global trade finance solutions ecosystems and appropriate technologies with processes orchestration within our unique Alternative Investment Funds Partners:
- Submit all your receivables with no limits and without Debt
- Liquidity for a fraction of the existing solutions cost: 2 to 5+ times cheaper!
- Get your money directly and instantly in your account
- Manage your short term cash flow as never before, 100% digital!
- Bring high enterprise value back to your shareholders
- Access new funding lines due to improved continous working capital management
Sense to Finance Services
Leverage value creation of the whole finance ecosystems for economic growth & sustainability
FIRTechs (FinTechs, InsurTechs & RegTechs) Innovation for Corporates, Bank, Insurance & Investors Businesses through Flexible & Cost effective Models of Crossborder Channels, Transactions & Data.
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